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Saturday, June 2, 2018

NEW PEZ Flamingos spotted in Europe's shops....

We all have been so excited about the release 
of the new limited Flamingos
Finally the day is here, 
the flamingos with the new coconut candy have been 
spotted in Europe's shops.
Our PezPalz Igor N. has found them at the Interspar Market in Croatia.

Hvala Igore na Slikama :D

Het Snoeppotje, a candy shop in the Netherlands offers the new 
flamingos on small cards.
Picture from hetsnoeppotje
Hopefully we will see the nice Flamingo gift box soon too. (Euro only)

Just few days more then the flamingos will hit the U.S. stores, 
the only difference will be the card, and they will come
 with USA candy packs.
Picture from thank you Chris <3
Happy Collecting!

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