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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

FIRST LOOK: purple crystal PEZ LOLing from Croatia...

There is certainly enough time till the first ever Croatian PEZ Gathering,  
September 15, 2018 in Cakovec, 
but it's never to early to start planning on 
your next PEZ gathering :D
Cakovec a small nice city in Croatia.
It can easily be reached by car and it is very close to 
Slovenia, Hungary and Austria.

We have heard that Martina N. is working on 
the details for the gathering and 
that the Agenda will be published soon.

Friday September 14th 2018
is reserved for the Tours, Martina is trying to organize 
a trip to the very famous and beautiful 
Croatian National Park "Plitvice Lakes".

Saturday September 15th 

will be the Gathering day, 
a newly built hotel is found
and everything else will be prepared for the PEZ fun.

More info about the hotel, the gathering or in case 
you are only interested in an absentee package (limited quantity), 
then you must 
join Martina's Fb-group, witch can be found here:
FB-PEZ Croatia Gathering

So here we go...
the first ever official PEZ Gathering dispenser from Croatia
and we are very proud to share it with you here. ;)
Crystal PEZ Gathering dispenser - LOLing from Croatia, limited Edition to 142pcs.

More Info can be found here:FB-PEZ Croatia Gathering 

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