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Saturday, November 18, 2017

FIRST LOOK...Anniversary PEZ dispenser from Sweden...

How exciting, Today Sweden celebrates the 
10th Anniversary of their 
Swedish PEZ Gathering.

Congratulations to
Patrik and Anders for bringing people all these years together to our great hobby, they both did a great job in the past.

It's a big surprise, and we are happy to report, 
 Patrik and Anders got a celebration dispenser for their anniversary.

The Sweden anniversary dispenser will be the only unique commemorative PEZ International will make for the 2018/2019 purple lol'ing Gathering dispensers.

Stay tuned, we have soon more to report about all the new lol'ing gathering dispensers for 2018/2019.

Big Thank You to Andreas L for the Photos :D

Thank You MoMo for the Photos!

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