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Sunday, February 19, 2017


Brian did it again for us :D
For all those who did not have the chance to attend the
we are happy and proud to share with you Brian's convention report.
Hello everyone!
I'm sitting at LAX waiting for my flight, and thought this would be the perfect time (while fresh in my memory!) to write down my very happy experiences the past few days at Pezcific!


Up at 5am, ready to go!
After a very easy flight from Chicago to Los Angeles, I was greeted at the airport by a smiling face, Phyllis Oreck. Thank you so much Phyllis for picking me up! After a quick drive we arrived at the Ayres Hotel.
Of course you are always a little hesitant when something so familiar changes, but I should have known that Maheba wouldn't let us down... this new hotel was very nice. I felt like I was in the Mediterranean! As we made our way through the hotel I was quickly greeted by many familiar faces,
as the Pez party was already in full swing.
After saying hellos, giving hugs, having a delicious lunch,
and lots of laughs, the Pez shopping began.
A decent amount of PEZHeads had already arrived on Wednesday or Thursday morning, and the room hopping had already begun.

I caught up on currents, got some vintage, browsed through fantastic paper finds I had never seen before... Pezcific was already off to a great start.

After I was done with shopping, I figured it was time to earn some of it back (as if you ever get to keep your money in this hobby Phyllis and I set up our room and started the task of pricing everything. A H-U-G-E shout-out to Jessica Orozco, Landon Proctor, and Travis Clifford for helping me out... it was a very fast and efficient process and I greatly appreciate your help!

As we opened our room (a few people were trying to get early peeks!)
more familiar faces came in to say hi and shop.
That's the best part of conventions right there - seeing your "family", catching up, and sharing a lot of laughs!

Before we knew it, it was time for dinner.
The scavenger hunt was about to begin, but my stomach told me I needed to pay it some attention. A few of us decided to take Maheba's advice and head to Pancho's for dinner.... what an incredible Mexican meal.
Not only was the good delicious, but the restaurant had great decor and atmosphere, including a 2-story main dining room in a courtyard setting which we absolutely loved.
Thanks Maheba for the great advice!

When we got back to the hotel most of the PEZHeads were hanging out in the lobby and the hotel bar, so of course we joined them.
A few more people had shown up, and I stayed up until 1am (shhhhhhh I'm an "old 36" and need my rest hahahaha) until it was time to head to the room. Day 1 is in the books!


After a great breakfast in the hotel restaurant, I took another stroll through the open rooms to see what Pezzy treasures I could find.
It amazes me that after 20 years in this hobby (where has the time gone?!?!?)
I can always find things I have never seen before.
This year's cool "find" for me were different sticker inserts from the 1980s
(I think) that I had never seen before... some foil, some oversized,
some with great graphics. I was one happy guy!

After a workout in the hotel gym and quick shower, it was time to head to the seminars. I caught part of Denise's Pez Collecting 101,
where you can always learn something new!
Gary Barbuto had also begun setting up the entries for the Pez Art Contest for everyone to see and vote on; there is definitely A LOT of talent in this hobby. There were some really great pieces!
It was a hard choice for sure to pick my top 3.

Soon the second seminar began; Bobby Acker led a really interesting discussion on fantasy Pez. It was very interactive as well; different collectors had brought along some of their homemade or acquired fantasy dispensers and gave a little presentation. Very interesting to see what people come up with; after seeing Richard Ruelas' dispenser that looks just like him, I think it's time to make a Brian dispenser of my own.

As we were sitting in the fantasy seminar I could see a
 lot of people checking their phones...
it was almost like in the movies when a bunch of phones go off
at the same time in a crowd.
What's going on, what's going on?
It seems a new dispenser had surfaced on eBay
of the Energizer Bunny that had everyone talking.
Was it real?
Was it fake?
What perfect timing,
at the fantasy dispenser seminar! It turns out with a little digging on some of the Facebook groups that it is indeed a legit dispenser confirmed by Shawn Peterson (surprise!!!!!!) and will be out soon.
 Hooray, something to hunt for! I truly do love the unexpected surprises that we don't know about in advance
(like The Rolling Stones exhibit dispensers, or the Mini Cooper Bulldog)
 I think it keeps this hobby going when you don't always know everything that's coming out ahead of time. Got to stay on your toes!

After dinner in the hotel (it was pouring outside but I didn't really notice, we were having too much fun!!!) it was time to get ready for Bingo.
As we waited for the ballroom doors to open, Jil and Dan Borchers had their Pezzy photo booth open for some group pictures... yes please! Some funny pictures and great memories to take home!

The festivities began and right away they had the presentation
for PEZHead of the year.
We were all saddened that Chris Jordan's father had just passed away and she wasn't able to make it to LA to pass the torch to the next recipient.
Chris, we are all thinking of you and your family during this difficult time and we all love you!

Chris' daughter Bethany was there in her place though and we all soon learned the next honoree to receive his incredible award....

Our table erupted in shouts of congratulations and high fives and hugs and Jessica looked in disbelief that her name was called.
I have known Jessica for a while now and can honestly say that she is one of my absolute best friends, not only in this great hobby, but as a part of my life.
I cannot imagine a more deserving person for this award.
From hosting the annual Christmas Gathering at her house (for which she doesn't charge a single penny),
to co-running the Pez Auction page with Joey Jackson on Facebook, to traveling all over to the different conventions, and most importantly, being a great friend to so many in his hobby.... congratulations Jessica,
I am so proud of you!!!!!

After the PHOTY presentation,
Maheba was at the podium to talk about the future of Pezcific.
As many of us know, sadly this was the last year
that she is hosting the convention.
We were informed that there are currently ongoing negotiations for a new host, and that the information would be made public
as soon as everything is 100% finalized.

Maheba, I wanted to take this opportunity to formally thank you for all that you have done for this hobby over the years.
I have always had a blast each time I have come to Pezcific, and it is because of you and your incredible family that I have always looked forward to the next convention the minute the current one is over.
Thank you!!!!

Ok, time for Bingo!
The prizes this year were simply AMAZING.
So much vintage; it was exciting to play each and every game!
Rob Yarak sat with us at our table, and apologized in advance because he is so "unlucky".... well it couldn't have been further from the truth. Our table won so many times, I think Maheba should have just stayed
at our table with the prizes!!!
Congrats to all of the winners, they are all going home with some fantastic additions to their collection.

After Bingo was over, Phyllis and I re-opened our room to sell more Pez. We had a decent amount of people wandering the halls and buying things,
so I was definitely happy!


Saturday always comes so quickly....

up early and time to set-up my dealer table!
The ballroom opened at 9am to registered attendees and 10am to the general public, and sales began right away.
Especially in the back corner where Larry LaFoe had his fantastic 5 items for $3 sale.... you can imagine the collectors digging through his many boxes to see what items he was selling (yes I was one of them! Hahahaha).
Soon that sale went from $3 to $1 to FREE..... someone give that man a cookie for being one of the few to say they "sold everything" at a convention.

After the selling was done, the charity auction began.
Part of the auction this year included the fantastic art pieces that PEZHeads had made/donated for the art contest.
Some of them went for a good chunk of change! I myself am going home with a great Pez girl piece. Great job to Darren/Veronica/Gary for organizing the charity items and to our fantastic auctioneer Landon Proctor (and his fabulous "Vanna" Alec Miller) for a job well done to benefit Camp Ronald McDonald.
Some great items are going home to some great collectors,
which benefitted a great cause.

As the convention winded down, it was time for one more dinner with friends. We went back to Pancho's (seriously go check that place out next time!) and had quite a few laughs. It was a nice way to end a great trip to LA.

Sadly, it's now time to head home.
But as I sit in the airport writing this, I have a big smile on my face for the many great memories I'm taking home with me!

Until the next convention,
Brian Jaskolski


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