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Saturday, September 24, 2016

The 9th Swedish PEZ Gathering

It has been 4 years since the last time I was at the Swedish PEZ Gathering, finally we arrived in Stockholm and I'm counting the hours for the 9th Swedish PEZ gathering.
PEZ gatherings/conventions are for me the best place to find great PEZ items, I love to rummage through all the tables with lots of nice PEZ stuff, love to meet new Collectors and to hug my PEZ friends, and yes it is a place where people understand me.

Like every Host in the PEZ world, Patrik and Anders spend a lot of time to prepare a nice event, and to bring all of us all together.
For more then 10 months they keep secret about the Swedish PEZ gathering dispenser, another "lovey" made by PEZ International, but this Saturday we will see it. It will be the last "lovey" for this year, Uwe's dispenser will follow in August 2017. 

Now we will tour the beautiful Stockholm, and to walk to all the historical places. 

And the Lovey is... 
The 2016 SPG official gathering Pez :) 
Crystal "Lovey" with yellow stem
Stay tuned, we will share lots of pictures and news around the gathering. 

Photos: MoMo Pez

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