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Sunday, September 4, 2016

FIRST LOOK?? CHUBU PEZ dispenser...

While searching for PEZ in the web, we found a picture of the
CHUBU PEZ dispenser.
Could this be a new PEZ dispenser from PEZ International?
We still need to find more information but we want to share it with you right now. It looks like the new CHIBU PEZ dispenser is coming from Japan.
For sure we will update the Information when we got the official
Info from PEZ International. 

CHUBU mechatronics, a Japanese company aiming to introduce man-controlled humanoid robots (Mechatrobots) for common use. These includes the WeGo the smallest Mechatrobot for use of children in under-populated areas for transportation and recreation.


Stay tuned, we hope to get tomorrow the official Info from PEZ International...

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