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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

GUINNESS WORLD RECORD: The largest PEZ dispenser sculpture...

PEZ enterers the 
on June 30th 2016 for Worlds Largest Pez dispenser sculpture.

If today you're in Richmond, British Columbia (Canada) you need to head over to the Aberdeen Centre to check out the Pez sculpture of Big Ben, we got pictures from the Aberdeen Centre earlier this week. MILLION Of Pez Candies were used!!!
Thanks to Linda for the Pictures :)

Picture from

 Keep Calm and Love PEZ® 

Be PEZ®-merized! Look up to a massive 9ft tall sculpture of the London Eye and a 27ft wide Tower Bridge, both created using millions of colorful PEZ® candies! Check out the world’s largest PEZ® dispenser sculpture in the form of London’s Big Ben. On June 30, see Aberdeen Centre break the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ at 1pm!

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