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Sunday, December 13, 2015

to open or not to open until Christmas?

Every year I take part in Shanna´s M
Facebook´s Secret Santa group, and at this point I need to say, Thank You for doing this, every year for us <3
This is for sure a lot of work for Shanna every year, to make all of the arrangements,
who will get and who, answering all the messages and creating a theme new special theme for the PEZ Fantasy dispenser contest.

This years theme was to make a grinch and to include them to the
presents that everyone is sending out.
My Gifts from my wonderful secret santa arrived now, and I need to say a
HUGE Thank you to my Secret Santa
(I still don't know who has send them to me)
Not just that fact that the box came from overseas Santa spent a lot of $$$ for
shipping fees, the gifts are so nicely wrapped, a beautiful card was included,
and the grinch that I got, is soooooo AMAZINGLY DONE!
Sorry I can´t share a picture now, because there will be a big vote soon on the Facebook Community Page. I´m not so much a fan of PEZ Fantasy Dispensers but I have never seen a better made fantasy PEZ Dispenser, I´m sure the Grinch
 that I got will win the voting for the best one!
I know my SS is reading our Blog, so again a BIG THANK YOU whoever you are <3
But now I don't know what to do?
to open my gifts early or really to wait till Christmas?
hmmmmm ok I think I will wait :D but I will die till then hahahahaha!