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Sunday, September 6, 2015

Slovenian and FinnPEZ Gathering merchandise....

The following merchandise items need to be on our blog,
 as they are so beautiful and nice,
and we love how our PEZ Friends all over the world
have great ideas to make a special collector's piece.  
The FINN brothers Pirkka and Markku made a
special Luggage tag

for the 10th anniversary of their FINNPEZ Convention
(which will be one of the biggest next year in Europe). 
The Luggage tag
has the wonderful FINNPEZ design from all over the past years.
On this place I need to say, I will never put it on my Luggage,
because it is to worth to be used. ;)
we have one Luggage tag left for one of our readers,
(thy Finnbros :)
send us an Email to
 and tell us 
which anniversary will be celabrateted next year @FinnPez.

Please write “FinnPEZ” in the subject Line.
and put your First name & Last initial in the email.

for more Info please visit
Two another cool items we found in Ivan's goodie bag at his
7th Slovenian PEZ Convention.
The first one is a cool game with a print of the
Slovenian Convention Logo and Ivan's Ebay name. 
The second one is a cool small
angry bird which is
used as a business card and the stem (printed)
is from the PLUSH PEZ dispensers. 
best business card ever <3 

Ivan´s 2015 Gathering Dispenser...
for more info please visit: