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Friday, August 28, 2015

VIP Pez Unveiled

It's been about 9 months since we first started hearing about a gathering in Vienna, the First V.I.P. Gathering!  87 people RSPV'ed for the event representing 17 countries from around the world! 
This is the biggest event in European PEZ gathering History! 
Ghosty, Yasin & Willi have been working tirelessly on the Vienna International PEZ Gathering or V.I.P. for almost 17 months. 
The day has finally arrived to unveil a Very Special Man...
The V.I.P. team is proud to bring us this beautiful official Groom Pez made officially by PEZ.

Congratulations to Ghosty, Yasin & Willi on the First ever V.I.P. gathering!!!

The V.I.P. Boy is very special because he is the last of the fun custom gathering European dispensers made officially by PEZ. 
The plan for 2016 is one Dispenser (a Emoticon) for all European & Japanese gatherings, which each Host can choose the Stem Color and Print.
This news will be presented exclusively at the V.I.P Gathering,
and all V.I.P. guests will have a vote which Emoticon will be produced in Crystal for the next year's Gatherings.
One of these will be the 2016 Gathering Dispenser for Europe (it will be made in Crystal)

Did you miss the V.I.P. gathering? 
Wanting one of these limited Groom's as your own? 
PezPalz is having a contest where you could win your very own!
Be sure to check back at
on August 30th 2015 for details on how to enter our 

Top Prize: