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Sunday, August 2, 2015

So Long Pezamania

8:30AM Time to go Hit the Big Show Now, A huge Ball Room stuffed full of all the Pez you could dream of and it was a ball the Photos were from about a half hour before show started.

I ran into the sweetest guy who was trying to help me with hearts, If you are reading this please contact me at
This was it, at about noon I was exhausted & broke :) 

Judy Johnson
Brian Crisp
& Judy's Helper friend :) 
Chris Jordan So nice to meet you :)
Tina Gunsauls It was so nice to meet you, I cried! 
Super Nice Guy on the Second Floor who walked me though my 1st Convention & his cutest ever little boy who knew where everything was.
The super nice heart guy, I hope to find you one day.
and last but not least,
James & Mom I LOVE You, thanks for making this dream come true!

When coming home through Security was not happy about all of the Springs I was carrying on in my boxes.  They opened every suitcase and box.  The nice gentleman had no idea what a pez was.

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