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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Bride Fever Picture Contest...

Here we go! 
Our new PEZ PALZ Contest “BRIDE FEVER” is ready to start :)
We are asking you to use your creativity to create a "Wedding" picture,
This can be anything you dream up as long it is a picture featuring PEZ.
We are looking for some great PEZ Wedding Creativity :)
You can use any PEZ Dispensers you want. 


Entries are due by September 10th 2015.
Please send us your picture to
Please write “PEZ Bride Fever” in the subject Line.
Please put your First name & Last initial in the email.
A 2015 V.I.P. Pez Groom!
Generously donated by our very own Ghosty!  
Thank You Ghosty for this Fabulous prize! 

The Contest is open to everyone world wide.
Only 1 entry per person please.
The Contest begins on, August 29th, 2015 and ends at September 10th, 2015 at 9 PM Oregon, USA time. (“Contest Period”).
All entries (submissions) must be received on or before the time stated during that submission period.

Pez Palz readers will be able to vote for their favorites on our website:
The top 3 will be entered into the wheel to be chosen by random draw.
The winner will be announced on or before September 16th 2015. 
There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this Giveaway.
All entries submitted allow us to share/alter the pictures on our Blog, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 
Winner should allow 6-8 weeks to receive prize. 


Friday, August 28, 2015

VIP Pez Unveiled

It's been about 9 months since we first started hearing about a gathering in Vienna, the First V.I.P. Gathering!  87 people RSPV'ed for the event representing 17 countries from around the world! 
This is the biggest event in European PEZ gathering History! 
Ghosty, Yasin & Willi have been working tirelessly on the Vienna International PEZ Gathering or V.I.P. for almost 17 months. 
The day has finally arrived to unveil a Very Special Man...
The V.I.P. team is proud to bring us this beautiful official Groom Pez made officially by PEZ.

Congratulations to Ghosty, Yasin & Willi on the First ever V.I.P. gathering!!!

The V.I.P. Boy is very special because he is the last of the fun custom gathering European dispensers made officially by PEZ. 
The plan for 2016 is one Dispenser (a Emoticon) for all European & Japanese gatherings, which each Host can choose the Stem Color and Print.
This news will be presented exclusively at the V.I.P Gathering,
and all V.I.P. guests will have a vote which Emoticon will be produced in Crystal for the next year's Gatherings.
One of these will be the 2016 Gathering Dispenser for Europe (it will be made in Crystal)

Did you miss the V.I.P. gathering? 
Wanting one of these limited Groom's as your own? 
PezPalz is having a contest where you could win your very own!
Be sure to check back at
on August 30th 2015 for details on how to enter our 

Top Prize: 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Pez @ VIP

Nice Pez at V.I.P.

VIP Party Starts!

Today V.I.P. (Vienna International Pez Gathering) Begins, all of the preparations have been made, and room hopping has begun!  I am so Happy for the V.I.P. team Our own Ghosty, Yasin & Willi! Congratulations on creating the biggest Pez event in Europe! Stay tuned to Pez Palz for BIG News over the next few days! Enjoy the next few days guys and Party like Crazy!!! 

Photo: Pez MrMarmaduke Facebook

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

New Barky Page now on Pez Palz

A New Page has been added to our blog! 
A Barky Brown Pictorial which features all of the Barky Brown Pez made. 
 For more information about save our strays,
 an Australian Charity for animals visit 

A Big Thank You to 
Wolfgang MoMo Handl and
For allowing us to use your WONDERFUL Pictures!

Look for our new Page on the Tab bar on our home page.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Limited New Star Wars Tin

New Release Star Wars Tin from Toy's R Us.  
BIG Shout out to our Pal Brent J. he spotted them first at Toy's R Us in his at Pittsburgh/Antioch, Ca.
They are having a BIG Star Wars event on September 4th when this is officially released. 
It is worth a call to your local store because they are being put out on the sales floor 6 at a time!  

Photos: Brent Pezhead Johnson Thanks!! 

 Photos: Brent Pezhead Johnson Thanks!! 

 new 2015



new 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

FIRST LOOK: the 2015 STEEL CITY gathering Dipsenser´s

It's almost one year over since we have reported about the
STEEL CITY Gathering,
and the dispenser, and now we have again the pleasure
to write about the 2015 STEEL CITY gathering and to
give you you the first look of the new 2015
gathering dispenser.

The gathering will be held on September 26th.
once again in the Pittsburgh Mills Mall,
and Eric and Brant selected a Hawaiian theme.
This time it's on the main hallway across from the Sears store.
8000 Sq feet, so twice as large as last year!
Lots of extra space for tables this year, and games, too!

Everyone who knows
Eric (Punky) and Brant
also knows that they are very creative and that they allways try to create something very speical new.

last year they presented us a fantastic mood gathering dispenser

and we didn't think that the last years dispensers could be toped.
but we were wrong :)
this year Eric and Brant will have a spectacular
chrome gathering dispenser.
5 limited golden ones for prizes!
The dispensers are hand painted and the medallions
(Hawaiian Hibiscus flower)
are custom hand made carved by a artist PJ Belic.

Sorry, no
 absentee dispensers available.
If you have a chance to be a part of this great gathering
put your best Hawaiian shirts on

and enjoy a tropical PEZ Hawaii Party :)

register now!

Steel City gathering is also on Facebook
like the Site now, and get all the newest information.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Emoticons Popping Up!

Our Friend Steve from Australia found the NEW Emoticons to round off the Set! 
We have been anxiously awaiting this release of 3 since late last year!

Photo: PEZ International!

And Earlier this Year it was reported by Chris Jordan of the that this group was expected in January 2016!

Photo: Chris Jordan 

 Pictures From Steve B. Thanks Steve :) 

 Pictures From Steve B. Thanks Steve :) 

Star Wars Euro Variation... ?

(L) Photo from Pez International (R) Photo from the Sweets & Snacks Expo 
Will we have a Variation to look forward to? 
We will have to wait and see :)