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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Pezamania Trip Rewind Day 1

Day 1: Departed Tuesday Left Portland, Oregon 1:37 PM 
with a stop over in Chicago, IL 

Chicago, IL

Cleveland, OH Airport

Then on to Cleveland, OH arrived 12:10AM
grabbed our rental car then headed over to the Holiday Inn, in Independence Ohio arrived there about 1:30AM 

When we arrived the bar at the Holiday Inn was hoppin! 
The dancing was in full swing, people were having a great time. But I did not recognize any Pezheads.

We stayed in room 266, which was away from all the Pez action a quiet floor which some of the best dressed women I have ever seen had beautiful big hats and gorgeous beautiful suits a church group was staying at the hotel and all I can saw WOW! they were exquisitely dressed and very sweet to us!

When we arrived I started Searching the hotel for signs of Pez, they were everywhere :) 

This is what I found

By this point it was about 4AM time to try to get some sleep. 
Yeah Right!