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Monday, November 3, 2014

FIRST LOOK SC BERN PEZ PUCKS again a surprise from Switzerland....

surprise surprise...
Cruspi the Distributor for PEZ in Switzerland

 has told us in the past
that the fb basel balls will not be the last one
that we will see from Switzerland.

here: Crsupi story from the past

and now the
of the 3 new dispensers.

3 new SC Bern Hockey pucks

The pucks have the
SC Bern logo on it
and they will be in three different Stem colours

(red, yellow, and black)
The Stems are printed and have (since 1931 on them)

The Dispensers are out now in Switzerland and the official SC Bern Fanshop

Player from the SC Bern Hockey Team with the PEZ Advert on the Kneepad

Cruspi SA” is parter of SC Bern for the coming season 2014/2015.
With the brand PEZ, Cruspi has additional presence, as PEZ will be knee-sponsor.

For some years SC Bern has had, with about 16.000 viewers,
the highest average on audience in European ice hockey sports.
Infos here: SCB
Wikipedia SC BERN

Cruspi is a wonderful distributor for PEZ and we think, a lot of
other Europaen countrys could look on them
a big thank you to the Cruspi Company to made
new Dispenser for us <3
Cruspi: facebook/swiss

Hope there will follow more from Switzerland in 2015 :)