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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

So Long Player

After spending a year remodeling our living and dining room I thought there would be plenty of space for my collection to grow into the 2 new cabinets my parents & husband got me for Christmas of 2013. Well.. now 4 months later I am out of room! What's a girl to do? I can't make the house bigger, so something must go.  I thought about it overnight and decided that the player piano that I inherited from my Grandmother would have to go.  It turns out that people are not willing to pay the small fee I was asking for it, so after a week on Craigslist listed for $200 I decided it was time to get serious and offer it up for Free, 5 hours later 15 people wanted it!  Some wanted us to pay to move it, others really just wanted to see if I was for real.  We found a super nice lady who was able to make arrangements within 3 hours to get movers here and take it away, I am sure she will love it just as much as I did as a child. 

So Long Piano.... 

Now time to go shopping and get some great new cabinets for more Pez!  I really can't believe this is the only photo I have left of this.. 
So Long Player.
Thanks for the memories.

X. Kristian 

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