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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mr. Hobart

Today was a first. After reading an ad for an auction I picked up the folks and we headed out at 9am. 4 hours later, standing around in the sun (which kills vampire's like me) the 400 or so Pez emerged from the 5000 square foot house, a 20 dollar bid bought me the best from Mr. Hobarts basement Pez collection, what's upstairs is yet to be seen. These were a few of Mr. Hobart's Pez from 1 of his many collections which ranged from Books to YoYo's. Mr. Hobart is 89 years old and will be going into a nursing home within a few months. Thank You Sir, for preserving these fine creatures.  They will be loved for at least the rest of my lifetime.  

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