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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Heat of the moment

Recently I have been buying more Pez than ever before and have found myself getting caught up in the thrill of adding new ones to the collection and forgetting to take a closer look at the details and maybe, overpaying for things.  Stem swaps and missing parts are probably very obvious things to many collectors however, lately I've been getting caught up and not noticing major problems. Don’t get me wrong I love every dispenser in my collection not matter how flawed it might be. Being new to Facebook there are many people there who know whats up and are very savvy when it comes to buying Pez on places like eBay. If you are a new collector and want everything to be correct and authentic take your time and research what your buying before you shell out big bucks thinking you're getting something original just because someone types it up in a description.  

Here are 2 examples in my collection of incorrect Pez purchased recently.

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