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Monday, May 30, 2016

PEZ time with Shawn Peterson...

Our Interview with General Manager of the PEZ VC Shawn Peterson :)

How does a normal Shawn Peterson's day look like?
Hahahahaha, there is no such thing as a normal day-everyday is different.
That's what keeps it fun, you never know what the day may bring!

How do you keep your creative juices flowing on all of the demanding projects that you have to complete?
Sometimes it just happens,other times I have to work at it.
Creativity can be tough-you can't force it, it just has to develop on its own. I'm ALWAYS thinking about PEZ or the Visitor Center- trying to come up with a new activity, new product or new display.
Picture: PEZ Visitor Center Facebook page
I'm always trying to think of something fun & new to keep the VC fresh. The challenge is to come up with an idea that gets the most bang for the buck so to speak-looking for the right opportunity to do something different that adds to the experience.

Since you have been collecting a long time, what is your most favorite vintage pez and what is your favorite newer pez? Since you've been working for PEZ USA and know the process of getting a pez made.
What pez have you wished to be made?
The answer this this question has changed many times over the years. I really like the vintage dispensers. Several stand out as favorites, psychedelic hand, full body Santa and currently the Erie Specters. Favorite newer? I thought the Chicken Little dispenser was great, it had the look and detail of a vintage dispenser.
I would like to see the classic Cartoon PEZ Girl become a dispenser- not sure that would be ever happen as the market for the dispenser would be pretty small and certainly not something for tradition retail but maybe a special PEZ promo or VC item...

Would you love to be a part of a European PEZ gathering, and do you have a favorite oversea gathering dispenser?
I would like to go to them all! I couldn't pick a favorite, the only one I have been to date is Sylvia's gathering 7 or 8 years ago- they all look like fun.

With the social media channels, news, informations and pictures, are coming very fast to the collectors now, what do you think about this?
It̀'s certainly changed the hobby and has pros and cons. The pro-information now is easy to get, a quick Internet search or question to the collector community can tell you almost anything you want to know anytime you want it.
The con- it takes some of the unknown away and some of the excitement. My favorite time of collecting was when I first started and had no idea what was out there or what to look for. You had to go store to store to search blindly for something new- I miss that!

From a historical perspective and personal opinion, who has had the greatest influence on the PEZ brand and why?
Historically-it's arguable but I would Point to Curtis Allina or Fred Blum. Both were big decision makers in the early days of PEZ Arrival in the U.S.- I believe it was Curt's decision to put heads on the dispensers and that changed the company forever.
CURTIS ALLINAread here more

Do you ever have any input into the design of new PEZ dispensers?
Yes, I have been involved in some meetings, made some suggestions and shared ideas over the years. It is always a collaborative effort and I'm always thrilled to be part of that process when possible.

Did you have any input in the new translucent stems on the "Finding Dory" dispensers?
Picture: PEZ Candy Inc.
Hmmm, the idea was suggested before it actually got done this year. :)

Where do you see PEZ going in 5,10,20 years?
Hard to say, hopefully still continuing to grow. As long as we remain true to the original dispenser, I think there will be continued interest and growth- there are still lots of opportunities!

Who is your new book geared towards?
The person with general interest in PEZ. We were approached by a publisher called History Press looking for a recommendation for an author to write a book about PEZ.
I had experience as an author so permission was given and I got to work. They wanted a book to tell the story of how PEZ became a brand and how it has evolved. The results of that effort will be published in August this year- it was designed to create the broadest appeal.
Many things collectors will already know, the idea is to get more people interested, hopefully get more people that want to start collecting :)

Does your new book cover PEZ at a "collector" level or just high level?
The new book is meant to appeal to the broadest audience. It's a departure from what I have done in the past-less pictures, more words. It's a more in depth narrative on the history of the company and how PEZ became a brand-an overview of collecting and collectors, the factory in Orange and how the VC came to be.

Can you share a reveal or two from the PEZ archives?
Can you tell us a story?
I wish there was a blockbuster but unfortunately most anything that was good is long gone. It's my job to preserve what we have and establish an archive going forward. There are some files, paperwork, photos, etc. The discovery in April of this year of the vintage items in an old file cabinet was huge. Another file cabinet from the same office had a few files relating to 80s space guns & the Colonel Sanders promo with KFC that never happened. There are still many contracts from the 60s and 70s for some of the classics like Bullwinkle, Green Hornet and many others. One of these days I'd like to read through them and digitize things for preservation.

If you did not work at the PEZ Visitor Center, what do you think you would be doing with your life, and where you would be working?
Good question, I really have no idea. I think I'm the luckiest guy to be doing what I am. I spent 20 years in the greeting card business working for Hallmark cards throughout that career, PEZ opened some doors for me. Just because of my collection and prior books, I got some opportunities I wouldn't have otherwise. If it wasn't for PEZ, I would probably be doing something with my hands that has a creative element to it-what exactly through I don't know.
I never had that 'ah-ha' moment realizing I want to be a _____ until the idea of working for PEZ came into my head. It was the first time I was really excited and knew what I wanted to do for work.

Now that you're working for PEZ, do you collect with the same enthusiasm as at the beginning or has it become a task more about your Job?
It has certainly changed my perspective but there is still an excitement about collecting. I think that says a lot- I live and breath PEZ all day, everyday and still have a lot of excitement and enthusiasm for collecting.

Do you maintain a separate collection from the one on display or do you get to swipe the company card when you want something new?
I have some things at home still but the core collection is the Visitor Center. Unfortunately, even with that much space, there are still some items that aren't on display because there isn't enough room so they are still packed away. I wish there was an expense report or credit card for adding vintage items but it is and remains my collection so anything that gets added is funded by me.

There has to be pros and cons to managing the PEZ VC...I believe you said one time that you are no longer allowed to buy and sell at conventions. Is this true? Has this been difficult to do? Would you consider that a "con" if so? What is the biggest "pro" for you?
I can buy and still do a regular basis, I no longer sell though. That part changed for me when I started working for PEZ. I used to be an active seller at conventions and had my own website for a while but anyone that is a dealer knows- it's a lot of work! I don't miss that part of it. It makes going to shows now much easier as I don't have tons of stuff to pack and move all the time. I just get to shop and visit without all the extra work. The biggest PRO to me in running the VC is the ability now to help promote PEZ and collecting.

I believe Aaron Lamay's Pony's are on display. Aside from your awesome collection how many other "donors" are there? Are you allowed to name them? Do they volunteer to have you display them or do you seek out the ones that are not in there?
Aaron (and few others) have graciously loaned some items to us for display- we have a special display case that we offer to anyone that would like to participate and try to rotate it as much as possible. The two exceptions to that case were the special Will & Kate set and the person that found the 2nd political donkey dispenser. Both items have since be returned to their owners. The collector case now displays the vintage items that were found in the file cabinet that had been locked and stored away for years. They are part of the PEZ archive- with the exception of 4 or 5 other items, all items on display are from my collection.


In writing this book, what was the most shocking piece of information you did not know before writing this book?

Picture from
Shocking? Haha, I don't think anything was shocking- it's PEZ! I was surprised to find an original ad sheet for the advertising regulars that shows ordering options, accessory bases and pricing- I don't know if any collector has this sheet but I think it's pretty rare, maybe the only one.
I also found some purchase orders for the pineapple, pear and orange showing 10,000 of each were ordered but no explanation why 2 of the 3 are so difficult to find now.

What is the most sought after PEZ for the Visitor's Center?
I would like to locate the whereabouts of the JFK set and put it on display. I think we could get some good press coverage if that is ever found.

Picture: PEZ International

How many of the red PEZ boy were made???

I would like to know if there will be a special dispenser included with the purchase of your new book?
Great Idea but unfortunately no.

Have you already searched all the Basement and closets in the PEZ Center, will you surprise us with new exceptional PEZ treasures?
I thought I had been though everything but that was proved wrong a couple of moths ago. I think there may still be a few nuggets that have yet to be discovered. That's what keeps it exciting, you just never know!

Huge Thank You to Shawn for taking the time to talk with us!!
Shawn's new book "PEZ from Austrian Invention to American Icon" Will be launching at the TerrifiCon, a Comic Book Convention at Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT on August 19th, 20th, 21st 2016.

You can pre-order Shawn`s new book here:
Amazon Prime

A BIG Thank You to all of you who submitted questions for Shawn to us. The winner of the Pez Palz Pez is.... 

Great BIG Congratulations to Brian K.

Thank you Aaron Lamay, Eddie Santiago, Momo, and Hans (
PEZ Int.
Shawn Peterson,
for the Pictures

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

10th Anniversary report..

Before I started this post I asked myself if I should keep this report short and sweet or if it should be little more in detail. Since so much has happened I have ultimately decided to do a longer version and here we go - hope you will like it...
It was a date so many people had been looking forward to for long time.
The 10th Anniversary for FinnPez Gathering in Helsinki.
 On the 17th of March 2007 the first FinnPez Gathering took place with dozen participants (six collectors) at that time nobody suspected, that one day it would become the largest European PEZ event with 107 persons from 17 different countries!
With a lot of work, diligence and every time a super thoroughly organized event, Pirkka and Markku managed from year to year to attract more and more collectors from inland and abroad.
For me it was now the third time that I could participate, and it's been always fascinating to visit a great city, connected with people who share the same hobby, to see old and meet new friends, and of course to find one or other new PEZ dispenser for my collection.
My wife and I arrived on Wednesday around midnight with two full suitcases PEZ. Everyone who has attended the Finnpez Gathering once, knows how warmly you are welcomed and expected. From the first second you have arrived you get the feeling that you are a part of the FINNPez family. As it was very late and for Thursday full program was announced, we went to bed to get ready for the first official Finnpez day.

The first FinnPez day (Thursday)
started at 10am, a bus was waiting for us. We were able to choose in advance either a Helsinki shopping tour or a city sightseeing tour, and no matter which tour was chosen everyone was taken by bus into the town.
Marija, a Spanish-born woman, who grew up in England and due to the love moved to Finland was our tour guide. With joking and charm she gave us a lot of background info about the city, and the most beautiful sights.

It was a very nice and cozy city tour.
With Marija, Pirkka and Markku have booked for us a great and very professional tour guide. Against 14:00 the city tour was over, and everyone had enough time to explore the city on his own.

At this point I've to mention that also the return to the hotel was well thought-out, and we had three different pick-up times from the city center to the hotel.

After the dinner and although it was not announced as any official part of the gathering, some collectors opened their rooms for Room Hopping.
Many took advantage of the opportunity to stroll a little bit through the rooms and to take one or the other nice part.

I could buy a lot good stuff immediately in any room, but as I had only a certain budget I wanted rather to wait for Saturday.

On the second FINNPez day (Friday) we had again two organized tours.
The first tour was a visit of the famous finish sweets - company FAZER. We did not attend this tour as we went to the city to get a few gifts and to look for PEZ.

The second tour, I think all of us were very happy about, was about 3 pm to the toy museum at exhibition center in Espoo  Suomen Lelumuseo HevosenkenkäThe toy museum hosts many old children toys. Every collector likes to see such a PEZ exhibition. Everything  moved in a good light, beautifully equipped with background information, and a lot of things inviting to make great photos.  I saw many nice things I still miss in my collection. :)

After the return from the museum, we went to work. We had the opportunity to prepare our sales table for Saturday. Most of us could not resist, to turn round and to have a first look on other sales tables. The evening ended in a relaxed atmosphere in the FinnPez lounge, with good music, and nice PEZ talks.

the big day, the hall was full around 11 am.

Everyone waited anxiously for the opening speech of Pirrka and Marrkku and of course for the presentation of the new gathering dispenser. There were already some rumors about the dispenser but nobody knew exactly what it would be.

As the moment of revelation has arrived and the Finn-boys made it very exciting, as in the years before, we all knew it is going to be something great and special.
The FINNPez dispenser "Black Pearl"
At this point I want to say that I am very happy for the guys, and how important and cool it is, that PEZ International made an exception and supported the guys in celebrating the 10 year anniversary with this great dispenser.

After the presentation the sales were officially opened. There were really many sales tables and WOW a huge selection, from 50cent PEZ dispensers to a 2000 Euro PEZ owl,  different other Gathering dispensers, mini PEZ dispensers, vintage PEZ, promotional products, candies. For sure everyone could find some new pieces for his collectionIt went speedy ahead.
After the lunch the games started and the guys had a few cool ideas. The winnings of the FINNPEZ Lotto were as unique as on no Gathering in Europe before.
I hoped of course (like everyone else probably) on the Ring Master or Knight but also all the other prices were just awesome. Nevertheless I managed to get a great NE Gathering dispenser.

We continued with two estimating games and with the possibility to win some great Finnpez Gathering dispenser from the past.

Now was the time to announce the winner of the PIMP MY PEZ dispenser competition. There were really great and unusual creations. Kelle from the UK has obtained the grand prize with her great candies-tree-dispenser. Not a big surprise for everyone who knows her and her creativity. At least for me was clear from the beginning. (congrats again Kelle)

After all these games, enough time was left over for sales, trades or simply nice talks.

As a conclusion we had all together a dinner. Great after-FinnPez party followed with Fun & Karaoke in the foreground.

And this is how my report ends as there is a special slogan regarding
 the Finnpez after party 
At the end I’d like to thank Pirkka and Markku and their family, friends and helpers for bringing so many PEZ people together from all around the world. You guys did an amazing job! Thank you so much for a wonderful PEZ Time in Helsinki. <3
Thank you Paul, Momo, Kelle, and Robert for the pictures :)

Sweets and Snacks 2016 Special PEZ

If you were lucky enough to go the the Sweets and Snacks Expo in Chicago happening May 24-26, 2016, then you may get one of these!!! These were being given away at the 2016 Expo to lucky visitors!! 1000 of these Lovey Emojis were made with the text I (Heart) Pez. Only 1 per person were handed out. Surely collectors will be going crazy for these like the 2015 Red Boy that was given to attendees at the Pez booth.

Photo: Eddie PezHead Santiago :) 

2015 Sweets & Snacks 
Photo: MoMo Pez

Saturday, May 21, 2016

And the official Finnish PEZ is...

We have been waiting a long time to see what the FinnPEZ brothers had for the 10th FinnPEZ Gathering and now we see... 

Crystal Emoji with smoky black head. FinnPez 2016.

The official 10th anniversary Finnish Pez Gathering 260 pieces.
Be sure to check back for Ghosty's report of all the happenings at Finn Pez 2016!! 
We would like to say Thank You to Pirkka & Markku for all the Love they put into the event each year!!! Thanks guys for all you do.

Years Past..

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wonderful Week of FinnPEZ

We are totally excited here at Pez Palz!!  
Many Pez Heads from around the world are heading to Helsinki, Finland for the 10th Anniversary. FinnPez is happening from May 18th- 21st 2016.
We wish Pirkka & Markku the FinnPEZ (Brothers) Organizers a wonderful gathering.  
This will the the biggest FinnPEZ in history! With 112 registered guests, FinnPez will reclaim the prize of being the largest gathering in Europe. Ghosty will be sending us a full report from the convention also pictures of the official FinnPEZ dispenser!! So Stay Tuned to PezPalz :)

FinnPez dispensers from years past.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

counting the days till FINNPEZ...

ohhhhh dang I´m feeling like a small child :D counting the days like for christmas till the 2016 FINNPEZ it´s the 10th Anniversary this year for the Finnpezbro´s Pirkka and Markku, and they put so much love, and hard work to organize again a special PEZ Event for us.
The 2016 FINNPEZ Gathering is again the biggest European PEZ Gathering 
(V.I.P Gathering in Vienna broke the record last summer
but FINNPEZ is now back at the top) ;D
and there will be so many great PEZ Collectors and PEZ friends from around the world there.
Like allways, I´m too late again with everything 
(yeah sometimes I´m super chaotic)
 I need to sort my extra PEZ, need to start to pimp a special PEZ dispenser and and and :D 
If you have time and chance to be a part of the
biggest 2016 European PEZ Gathering,
 it's still time to register till 2nd may at
Stay tuned, we will share and report and lots of pictures will come on our blog :)

for more Info please visit

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Michigan Pez Convention Fun Pictorial

Our friend Jim Blaine has been very busy creating a very unique experience for the first ever Michigan Pez Convention. The Convention will be running from Thursday August 25th thru Sunday August 29th 2016 in Troy, Michigan at the Embassy Suites. We love seeing the pictures for all the fun games & souvenirs that are being lovingly created for the Convention. You can visit the Michigan Pez Convention official website 
and you can find MI Pez Convention Facebook page HERE.
Also if you are unable to make the convention you can still get a piece of history. Absentee packs are still available HERE 
Below are some of the Fun things that will be at the Convention.

Photos: MI Pez Convention Facebook 
Official Website

Friday, May 13, 2016

Pez on Display at Perot Museum Dallas, TX

We came across pictures on Instagram and we got curious so we called and spoke to Mike at the Perot Museum of Nature & Science and learned the these are on display. The Museum is hosting several curated collections as part of an exhibition running from April 16 through Sept 5 2016 titled Eye of the Collector at the Museum. Carla Hartman's Pez are on display at the Museum she has over 900 Pez.

Photo: Perot Museum Staff

These really sparked our interest, Giant Pez, Especially the dinosaur, the company that made the display really wanted to create a dinosaur and we think he is simply grand!

Photos: Perot Museum Staff

 Photo: Perot Museum Staff