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Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Not about a new PEZ Dispenser but every new Pez stuff is great for us :)

Today I found a Nemo chocolate egg and in the egg was a
mini PEZ NEMO dispenser.

It’s not a official Pez product and on package
there is nothing about PEZ.
A friend of mine told me, there must be more chocolate eggs with other (only Disney) characters like minnie mouse and some from Lion King.

I have found only the Nemo one yet. The bad thing is,
one egg costs 6 Euro here...

Stay tuned on the blog, will come soon, one egg will be free
(sending free worldwide) for one of our readers :)
Pezpal Kristian "Krissy" :) and me like the PEZ motto

"Pez makes you smile”
so we'd like one of our friends to have a big smile on his face.....
and now enjoy the pictures :)

Flash Gordon

Flash coming to the Big Screen in 2014.  He will also be hitting the shelves in the Pez section of stores soon.

                                        Photo: Imdb

                                                                    Photo: pez collectors


are you ready to kick they are all 5 new Euro Footballs

One week ago we reported on our blog
about the new german soccerbal Set of 3.
Today PEZ International released the official photo of the 3 german soccerballs
and also two new balls from Switzerland.
It could be hard to find all 5 from one seller
and I´m sure the price will go up on ebay in the beginning
so I advise to wait a little bit for them
happy waiting :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Well she is SOLD, $3,750 Congratulations to the new owner!!! Simply Amazing!!

OK, now this is 3 1/2 months of mortgage payments for me... Guess I'm out! 

Browsing through eBay in the middle of the night and came across this Giraffe! Holy Cow!!! What could the reserve be??

the ad reads-
70´s MEGA RARE Vintage Brazilian Candy PEZ Giraffe NO FEET - Brazil!

Wanna check this auction out?? Crazy Expensive Giraffe
photos, ebay

Pez Pictorial Guide

Aaron Lamay & Michael McDivitt  have worked hard to put together a pictorial guide of dispensers and here is the result. Igor Lopez designed the amazing over of the book which contains 109 different dispensers. 

You can buy your own copy Here 

content preview

Bravo Aaron & Michael!!!

Monday, April 28, 2014


OK, now this is 3 1/2 months of mortgage payments for me... Guess I'm out! 

Browsing through eBay in the middle of the night and came across this Giraffe! Holy Cow!!! What could the reserve be??

the ad reads-
70´s MEGA RARE Vintage Brazilian Candy PEZ Giraffe NO FEET - Brazil!

Wanna check this auction out?? Crazy Expensive Giraffe
photos, ebay

Sunday, April 27, 2014

all 3 NICI PEZ with PINK PRINTED STEM is official out NOW in stores :-)

many of us are looking for the new NICI with
this variation still has not been so easy to find and was not the last half year.
I found a shop with a box of 12 and only one pink printed stem variation was inside...


all 3 pink printed stems variations are
 N O W
 in Shops here in Austria available
I´m sure they will hit ebay and pez for trade site soon :)

the difference between DUSTY from Planes 1 and Planes 2

here is a better picture, to see the
difference between DUSTY from Planes 1 and Planes 2
here is the movie trailer from Planes 2 "Fire & Rescue" 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

New EURO PEZ Soccerballs are out :-)

Wohooooo my dear friend Michael Volk found today in Germany a
NEW PEZ Soccerball Set
BLACK, RED,and GOLD Stem Variation, it looks like they will be a german relase only?
Thank you Michael for Sharing with us :)

Joining Forces :)

Fantastic News!!! 

Its official Ghosty & I have put our heads together to bring you the best information happening in the wonderful world of Pez! 

I first started talking to Ghosty (Nenad) back in August, we quickly became the best of friends.  We started out trading Pez at first we exchanged the Hobbit, for the new european Hello Kitty tin and have since exchanged many boxes, as something new comes out here in the USA I race around trying to find one for each of us and he does the same for me.  This has made Pez collecting so much fun, not many days go by where we don’t talk.  Ghosty attends a lot of fun conventions, most recently FinnPez where he was one of the first to share the first pictures of the FinnPez duck, you know the one we are all drooling over. Ghosty will bring us all great Pez news.
As of April 19, 2014 Ghosty became a 50% owner of the Pez Palz Blog.  A very happy day for me :) 

I am so happy to have you Ghosty, My #1 BEST PAL! 
Welcome my Dear Friend.  

Send complaints to Ghosty…
Just Kidding :O)                                                                                                                                             xPez Pal Kristian


Monday, April 21, 2014

first PEZ Convnetion in Portugal

another PEZ Convention is ready to hit Europe,

PEZILLA has announced that the first PEZ Portugal Convention will be held on

            20th July 2014 in Castelo Branco.

PEZ Europe made for this event a special Crystal Limited Dispenser
(100 pcs).

I'm sure that it will be a wonderful Convention.

For more information take a look at the great designed site:!castelobranco/c21jb

or follow on Facebook:

Pictures are all from Pezilla

We wish good luck and fun for this great event!!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

the winning bid is.....

Final Update: 


Now on eBay FinnPez convention Duck!!

Word is these will be very hard to come by...... 

Friday, April 18, 2014


Happy Easter Pez Palz :) 


Thursday, April 17, 2014

New PEZ Advert Candy Packs...

We have here in Austria now, great looking new PEZ Advert Candy Packs...

For all the Candy Packs Collectors, be on hunt now :))

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Faster is Back!!!

Faster Pez is back, I thought he had lost his web address but I was wrong! 
Now Faster is coming back bigger & better!! 
visit Faster Pez at

Monday, April 14, 2014

Back from Finnland

Back from Finnland….. 

After a very cool, nice and wonderful Pez weekend, in Finnland @ the amazing 2014 FinnPez Convention, I´d like to tell you about my impressions.

Before I gone there, I spend a lot of time to prepair all of the stuff I wanted to take with me. It‘s funny,  I was on road, I traveled with two suitcases, full with PEZ stuff, my cosmetics, 4 T-Shirts, 4 pants and 4 pair of socks J  

But it‘s allways the same question,  what should I take with me? What are my friends missing there?

This time I had a lot of easter Pez-eggs with me, so maybe about 30 eggs and I brought  most of them back home, because they are in Finnland also out now and one egg was in the goodiebag J

So all eggs are again here, so maybe someone of you need Euro Eggs,
I still have had a lot hahahah J

The last night before I flew to Finn, I packed my stuff in the suitcases (sometime I hate myself because I do all the things the last day and

everytime I say to me, nomore again but everytime i do the same mistake).
That was the reason why I slept only 4 hours. 

After a hard wake up in the morning, I was happy and ready for Finnpez. First I flew to munich  and then from munich to Helsinki,
all in one I traveled about six hours from Vienna to Helsinki.

This time Pirkka & Markku (the Finn organizers) organized the 8 th FinnPez Convention and for the first time in Helsinki (the other 7 were held up in Tampere) 
and that was great for collectors who come abroad. (I think not only for us also for a lot of people and families from Helsinki)  

They choised a very good hotel for us for good price. The transfer from the Helsinki Airport to the hotel was very easy by the bus and  took only 25 Minutes, for very fine and cheap 5 Euros. 

So I arrived at 13:00 clock at the hotel and was READY for the 2014 Finnpez Y A Y!!! 

FinnPez Brothers Markku,Ghosty and Pirkka
I have to tell you something about Pirkka & Markku: they are allways looking to do all perfect, they and their families (wives & children) put so much energy, work and love in this event, have never seen it before.

They are so many AMAZING and great things what they did, from the beginig of the registration, we got all Information that we needed, how can the hotel be found, Airport transfer,
phone numbers of both of them, stickers, sell desk with your name…

backside of Kids Club T-Shirts
The registration included a goodiebag and a lunch for all of us. We had coffee and drinks whole time.
Lot of kids were also there, It was a real FAMILY Event.
They had special games for the kids and a game for the big Pez kids like me (also for the small one) called Pez-Lotto with wonderful great prices
(I did not win the top prices but everyone won a price). But anyway, that was a very funny game for all. 
Some of the Pez Lotto prices
They organized all from A to Z, there was nothing I missed.

That‘s also the reason why more then 70 peoples joined the convention this year (collectors from Spain,Sweden,Norway, U.S, Austria). 
very FIRST LOOK of the new 2014 Finn-Dispenser
For me one of the best parts was the VERY spectacular presentation oft the new Pin and the new CRYSTAL PEZ DISPENSER.
Noone have seen them ever before and I´m verry happy to have mine.

You must know, when you go to FinnPez Convention, you will never be alone there. The FinnBrothers are allways looking after you. Also all the other guests and friends from Finnland are not shy and are looking to speak and talk with you.  

The conference room was great, with lot of place for all of us. This one day event, gone by so fast but we had enought time for buying, selling, talks and playing games.

First everyone had to introduce himself and at 11:30 a.m. the offical part started and finished at 6:30 p.m. 
After the gathering a dinner was organized for us (that belongs together every year).
We were a smaller gruop and it was very funny. We had a lot of good Pez talks and a little bit alkoholic drinks J 

I‘d like agian to say thank you to Pirkka and Markku and their family for this wonderful Convention!
Big hugs from Austria to all of you and all my other Finn and Sweden Pez friends. 

For all of you who miss the 2014 FinnPEZ Gathering Dispenser (150 made of them)
here our some options how you can get one: 

be part of the 2 0 1 5 FinnPez Convention or
try it on ebay now..

look for more Infos and pictures to the great official FinnPez Site
Jacob Bacon Johansson interview for finish local TV
you can also watch here, a Video from local Finish TV Station (click to Minute 13:45)
off to bed now J

good nite


How high will it go?

Final Update: 


Now on eBay FinnPez convention Duck!!

Word is these will be very hard to come by......