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Tuesday, October 29, 2013



Target dog is now FOR SALE on as 4am Oregon time Halloween day. Not sure how long they will be for sale so don't delay.  

This is the first picture I have seen of the new Target dog!! Cute!! If you want to buy one now you can on eBay now, but it will cost you close to $30.00. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Prindle Hill Rd

Happy today!! My Pez sign from Prindle Hill Rd arrived today!!! 


Special Thanks to my TOP Pez Pal Ghosty!! Thank you for the Sumsi Bee.

The Sumsi bee is being given away by a bank in Austria.  

Saturday, October 26, 2013

For Sale

UPDATE:  14 Available 

For Sale-
Shipped Loose USA 3.50 each  
Shipped World Wide Loose 6.50 each  

If you want them on cards please contact me as shipping will be higher.

Thanks All!! Please send me an email if your interested.

No Fee Paypal or checks only!

Friday, October 25, 2013

New Pezzies!

Today I answered an ad and this is what I got! YAY!  
Only $350.00!  
Got my first soft head ever & a sweet die cut Bozo it perfect condition. 

Oh & my Dear Husband,
so sorry I didn't talk to you about spending so much money.
Guess, you can get that new Intel Processor :)
Love you!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Winner is...

The winner of the Euro Pumpkin giveaway is.....

Jim D.

Thank You Pez Ghosty for your generous donation!

Thanks to everyone who entered!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Euro Pumpkin Giveaway

New Euro Pumpkin Giveaway!
Courtesy of Ghosty!
Thanks Ghosty!

To enter to win shoot me an email with your name to
 Open to readers world wide. 
Winner will be drawn on October 23rd @ 8pm 
Oregon time.  
Only 1 entry per email address please.  
Will be shipped on card.

Today is the Greatest!

Today I received a big box from my best Pez Pal Ghosty!  Thank You so much for all of the wonderful treats! I am so lucky to have you as my Pez Pal! I LOVE everything! 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Awesome Sauce!

Shout out for our friends over at Pezilla!
 You R Awesome!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Picked up Candice today, and she is just as disappointing in person as she was in the photo from the visitors center but, she is new and must be added.  

Monday, October 7, 2013

New Wegman's truck

I've never been to Wegman's, but they love making trucks with Pez.  Here is the new one.  
YAY! Truck # 25 so far this year....

Ok, really now enough with the trucks....

Sunday, October 6, 2013


All together now!  This trio has been a pain in the neck to get a hold of and expensive!  I'm not someone who has a lot of Pez "connections" so getting things seems harder for me than most, plus I got into a bidding war with the same person twice for 2 different gold guys,  Love ya Jim!!! Fitting, as we graduated from rival High Schools!! But all of that aside they are finally all here. Now on to silver donkeys... 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Linz Gathering

If you happen to be in Linz this weekend, October 4th- 6th Be sure to check out the 10th annual Linz Pez gathering!!! Hope my friends in Austria have a ton of fun!!!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Best Pez Pal

Thank you my best PEZ Pal.  Love Love Love. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Today's Newbie

Happy! Happy!
 today "Earth" Pez arrived today Love it! 
Thanks Donna!

Halloween Pez Project

This is the Halloween Pez Project.  This year it has been decided that Pez dispensers will be given away at my door this year for Halloween.  YES!  Ring my bell and you will receive 1 carded Pez of your choice as long as your not the last kid or as the night goes on, it is usually the last 40 year old to ring my bell. According to previous years this should mean by November 1st at least 80 Pez should be handed out. These are Pez that have been on the shelf at the Salem, Oregon (Turner Rd) Walmart for the last 3 months. This is kind of self serving as I should be able to clear out at least 1 Walmart in town of all the Pez, so maybe I'll see some new ones by the end of November!  

Sick of seeing the same Pez over & over at your local Pez stop?  Buy them all & disperse them at your door on Halloween, Make a kid happy!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013



The new PEZ List is out from The PEZ Collectors Store and it looks like 2014 will be very exciting! With new releases like the Alien from Toy Story, Renewed Muppets & a whole new Scooby Doo set!

I urge you to sign up for the Pez Collectors News letter!