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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Load in Day (Part 1)

While pez rails are in “limbo”, the time has come to start unloading some of boxes all over the house (UMMM... love you honey : )  and putting some back in the cabinet with the rails in hand.  Shelf 1 pez count 242 so far. 

Shelf 2 completed 215.

Shelf # 3 has 59 so far and this is where this story ends for a while until I figure out more rails and another cabinet. 

to be continued...  

Looking to sell or trade Haulers from East Coast?
Email me at

My Love

My Dear Husband.  I love & admire you so much.  Thank you for all you do for me.  I LOVE YOU.  

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Gundam Pez

Today I decided to take my Gundam Pez out of their packages.  They've been with me since 12/2006 and I never took them out. Upon closer inspection I discovered that they had been resealed anyway probably by the previous owner.  Of interest however the numbers on the holograms were kind of neat, 14,000 were made and my numbers are 09898, 09902, 09904, 09900 and each came with 1 cola Pez role each which expired on 01.10.2008.  

Friday, March 29, 2013


It’s been a long time waiting, but they are finally here from Israel and finally a part of the collection.  

So Happy! YAY 

Looking to sell or trade Haulers from East Coast?
Email me at

Completed NASCAR Helmets!

In the mail today, came 6 boxes! Pretty exciting stuff! Finally all the NASCAR helmets. A tiny bit closer to getting caught up. 

Looking to sell or trade Haulers from East Coast?
Email me at

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pez MLB helmets anyone?

Pez MLB helmets where o where? (besides eBay) I didn’t get my order in on time at so its too late.  After an email to pez and they explained that they sold out and wont be available until June. 

Have you seen them anywhere?

Want to trade US for Euro’s? 
Email me at: 

Felt like a lucky day!

Hello Friends! After 3 years of missing a lot of european releases its time to fill the massive gaps in my collection the time has come to take a mass inventory and photograph everything. Now the work begins, filling the holes! One of the biggest surprises that has happened so far during this process has been the Madagascar miracle.

Before, all I had for Madagascar was Marty the Zebra, Alex the Lion, Gloria the Hippo & Skipper. Melman was missing. After much searching I found Melman & Skipper sold together for about $15 plus shipping but, for $20 that would buy all five so I went for it.  When they arrived it turned out that Marty and Alex were the missing variations.  Complete set #1 Felt like a lucky day!

Want to trade US for Euro’s? 
Email me at:  

First Post Ever!

Hello Friends! My name is Kristian and have been collecting Pez for about 15 years now.  The problem I have always have had is finding a Pal to share Pez with and I was thinking how great would it be if there was a way to have a Pez Pal like a Pen Pal? So lets share the joy of Pez collecting. 

By starting this blog I am hoping to find some Pez fanatics to trade and buy Pez. Lets share our love for collecting. Please leave comments and your thoughts on this site feedback. 
                                                                       Thank You for visiting.